V Slot Thingiverse

Posted : admin On 4/8/2022
  • E3d Bowden Extruder + BLtouch + Radial Fan
  • Low profile Titan Aero mount for P3Steel + BLtouch + radial fan mount (Updated 8-6-17)
  • E3D V6 Direct Drive Mount with BLTouch Mount
  • OpenBuilds Mini V Gantry Plate Mount for a Titan e3d v6 Direct Drive w/BLTouch
  • bl touch front dual mount
  • HICTOP Legendary Mount (E3D Cyclops & Chimera)
  • Titan Aero Prusa i3 MK2 BLTouch Mount E3d Volcano
  • FolgerTech 2020 I3 Titan Aero 2mm spacer BLT
  • Titan Aero BLTOUCH and Layer Fan whit x Carriage
  • Prusa I3 Dual Extruder with BLTOUCH, and Fang fan duct.
  • Geeetech Prusa I3 pro B MK8 cooling fan bracket with BL Touch / Proximity Sensor mount
  • Prusa I3 Chimera 2 X Carriage + 18mm sensor or BLtouch sensor
  • i3 MK2S BLTouch & MK8 Pulley
  • SN04 Z Adjuster HICTOP 3DP11 BLTouch
  • Support ventilo + BL Touch prusa i3 pro B MK8
  • Tevo Tarantula Fang Fan Single Extruder w/ BLTouch support
  • Titan Aero Prusa i3 MK2 BLTouch Mount
  • Prusa i3 E3D BLTouch Mount
  • Hictop Prusa i3 / ANET A8 E3D V6 X-carriage (Bowden) W/BLTouch Mount
  • New Dual head extruder including height sensor and head adjustment height
  • BLTouch for Original Prusa i3 MK2
  • FolgerTech i3 BLTouch and Fan Mount
  • BQ Hephestos BLTouch Auto Leveling Mount
  1. Thingiverse V-slot
  2. V Slot Thingiverse Box

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Thingiverse V-slot

V slot thingiverse tool

20-80mm Gantry V-slot DXF. AutoCAD, Rendering, February 25th, 2018 2020 20mm V-Slot Linear R. By Xgentec Jason.

V Slot Thingiverse Box

  • Needed parts to build a frame using OpenBuilds 20x40 V-Slot for a work project. I worked up these connectors in FreeCAD. The top slopes 15 Degrees using the front and back connectors. I also used 20x20 for the bottom rail. All of the connectors can be mirrored as needed. I also included the FreeCAD files, if you need to make modifications.
  • Why I needed some way to prevent dust from depositing within the v-slots. The original profile fits the slots perfectly! However, I needed more sizes. The following combination should be enough to cover most of the top-facing and front-facing slots of a Ender 3 Pro. How it works Measure twice! Those measures fit an Ender 3 Pro. Add supports for the topscrews part. The rest doesn't require any.