9 R School District

Posted : admin On 3/25/2022
  1. Trenton R9 School District
  1. Carthage R-9 School District A rumor circulated today regarding a potential weapon threat on a school bus, junior high, and/ or high school. Transportation personnel, administrators, and law enforcement agencies investigated the claim and determined there was no direct threat and no weapons were found.
  2. Durango School District 9-R is a public institution that operates elementary, middle and high schools. The schools offer educational and extracurricular programs to students in grades kindergarten through 12. The school district operates a professional development program that aligns teacher training with student learning needs.

Trenton R-9 Superintendent Mike Stegman issued a special notice that the district will not hold school on November 23rd and 24th due to high numbers of COVID-19 positive and quarantined students.

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Opening Hours

  • Mon: 8am-5pm
  • Tue: 8am-5pm
  • Wed: 8am-5pm
  • Thu: 8am-5pm
  • Fri: 8am-5pm

Durango School District 9-R provides educational programs and services for students. It governs various elementary, middle and high schools. The district s schools academic curricula include art, foreign language, and computer and physical education. Its schools offer various sports activities, such as baseball, basketball, soccer and golf. The district s schools provide food, transportation and guidance counseling services. Its schools also conduct several field trips and parent-teacher conferences. The district s schools offer special education services for students with learning disabilities. Its schools provide after-school child care programs. The district s schools additionally operate student councils and offer membership opportunities for the Future Farmers of America (FFA) and the Future Business Leaders (FBA). Durango School District 9-R is located in Durango, Colo., and operates business services, maintenance, human resources and technology departments. District

Trenton R9 School District
